donderdag 19 september 2013

Deans Court, Dorset, England

Name: Ali & William Hanham
Location: Deans Court, Dorset, England
Size: 18 acres & many, many rooms
Years lived in: 5 years recently and since 1548 before that
It is not an everyday occurrence that we get to tour someone's ancestral home, you know the kind which has been "in the family" for over 450 years, the building of which is even older. This past week I spent part of an afternoon hearing this family's story, taking pictures and wishing I had all day to spend here. This is a refreshingly real home in an ongoing state of renovation. This is not really even a home that you "own", it's more of a home that is much older than anyone around and that you can only "take care of" before passing it on.

Read and look to the pictures, very interesting story

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