zaterdag 21 juli 2012

Dinder House

Dinder House, a historic Georgian building in Somerset, England, is like a child’s drawing of a house: three stories high, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a slate roof. Completed in 1801 for the Rev. William Somerville (think Jane Austen), it sits on 23 acres of landscaped and walled gardens, in a valley with a Constable-worthy view of the church spire in the village after which it is named. Like many large old English houses, Dinder House was converted to commercial use (in this case by a shoe company rather than, say, a hotel) in recent times, but in 2004 it was bought by Chris and Jo Mycock, the owners of a successful I.T. company. Four years (and five architects) later, they finally moved in, once the soul of the building had been restored — as a family house, for a modern family — by the London designer Ilse Crawford.Continue reading the article and check out more images at T Magazine

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Taverne Charley.

O p Boulevard Garibaldi nr. 20 stond de Taverne Charley, die in 1933 werd geopend en nu is verdwenen. Simone de Beauvoir vestigde zich er gr...